Fildza Marha


This study aims to determine the effect of pension payment system and civil servant status on the satisfaction of civil servants with pension payment system. The study was conducted on civil servants active in kemendikbud, kemenkumham, customs, teachers at SMAN 47, SMAN 86, SMP 177 and retired civil servants of BRI KCP Taspen customers. The method used in this research is experimental method with 2 x 2 factorial design. The sample selection technique uses cluster random sampling. Instruments used for the satisfaction of the instrument of civil servant status in the form of questionnaire. The analysis test used is anova 2 X 2 with α = 0,05 and 0,01. The results and conclusions of this study indicate that: 1) There is a significant difference between the satisfaction of the active civil servants and retired civil servants in the pension payment system, this is evident from the data obtained through the anova 2 x 2 analysis test, with Fhitung (18.006)> from Ftabel (6.85); 2) There is no interaction effect between factor A (pension payment system) and factor B (status of civil servant) to satisfaction. It can be seen from the value of anova 2 x 2 shows Fhitung (0,900) <Ftabel (6.85); 3) There is a significant difference between the monthly pension payment system on the active civil servants (A1B1) with the pension payment system simultaneously on the active civil servants (A2B1). This is evident from the data obtained through advanced test using Scheffe test, Sig value. 0.018 <0.05; 4) There is no significant difference between monthly pension payment system on retired civil servants (A1B2) with pension payment system simultaneously on retired civil servants (A2B2). This is evident from the data obtained through advanced test using Scheffe test, Sig value. 0.115> 0.05. 

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