Dahlia - Sarkawi, Anggi - Oktaviani, Agus - Priadi


Indonesia is a country prone to earthquakes. The urgent need now is to learn from disasters and improve and strengthen Indonesia's disaster reduction system with the resilience of Indonesian people to disasters. Efforts to
elaborate a comprehensive and effective system for disaster mitigation and preparedness need to be done. Efforts made to reduce the disaster that occurred and prevent future disasters were 1) launching the development of an
information communication system in the Indonesian disaster management administration centered on BAKORNAS PB, 2) building BRR for Aceh and Nias 3) handling the rehabilitation and reconstruction process with the community, and 4) improve the system for emergency response to disasters. The phase used for disaster risk management requires a comprehensive and multidimensional approach that addresses four phases, namely: 1) prevention / mitigation, 2) preparedness, 3) emergency response, and 4) rehabilitation / reconstruction and a multi-sector approach. Establishment of Early Warning Systems for Tsunamis and other Disasters include: 1) network status of seismological observations, 2) improvement of network seismological observations, 3) role of broadcast and communication media, 4) continuous observation, and 5) use of earth observation satellites for disaster information collection. Education for the prevention of disasters through the school system and through other opportunities is an important problem that must be addressed together, namely to change the experience of disasters into building a resilient Indonesia.


Resilience of Indonesian society, disaster

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