Deni Kurniawan Kurniawan


The research is aimed at finding out the information about the effect of environmental personality and locus of control on environmentally sustainable behavior about green city. An ex post facto method has been applied by involving 32 sampling on head of family in Depok City, West Java Province. Design of this research was 2 x 2 factorial design. Data has been analyzed by applying two way ANOVA and Tuckey test. The research result that there is: 1) significant differences on environmentally sustainable behavior about green city have a most accurate environmental personality who has a less accurate environmental personality: 2) there are significant differences on environmentally sustainable behavior about green city have a internal locus of control and external locus of control, 3) for head of family with internal locus of control, environmentally sustainable behavior about green city, more positive has the most accurate environmental personality than less accurate environmental personality, 4) for head of family with external locus of control, environmentally sustainable behavior about green city, more positive has the less accurate environmental personality than most accurate environmental personality, 5) there is an influence of the interaction between environmental personality and locus of control on environmentally sustainable behavior about green city. To improve on environmentally sustainable behavior about green city needs to be considered toward a environmental personality and locus of control factors.


environmental personality, locus of control, environmentally sustainable behavior, green city

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