Wynd Rizaldy, Raden Didiet Rachmat Hidayat, Lis Lesmini


In every business of industry, there always be some risks shadow it. It is a complex economic concept, without an effective management system which it is impossible to imagine the functioning of a modern enterprise. Handling of Dangerous Goods in Air Warehouse needs special attention by human resources to maintain safety and the productivity of handling it. Therefore, the Indonesian government through the Directorate General Civil Aviation of Transportation Minister has made serious efforts of improving the incident’s impact by emphasizing the airline and any air warehouse company which is involved in Dangerous Goods Handling by managing the risk properly before transporting the shipment into the Aircraft. This article aims to improve and simplify the risk management in handling dangerous goods at the warehouse through the best experience and related Training requirements table on IATA DGR (International Air Transport Association Dangerous Goods regulation) and national regulation. Finally, is dedicated to increasing productivity of human resource who involved in this handling. This article was arranged through library research and using descriptive qualitative explorative research’s method, therefore, these efforts will support Indonesian Government to improve the productivity in the human resource when handling the shipment in and out the airport warehouse so that the flow of clearance shipment will then create smooth distribution and affect the productivity of other sectors beyond the warehousing’s business.


Human Resource Productivity, Dangerous Goods Handling, Risk Management

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