Henita - Rahmayanti, Dhywa - Darmawan


Disasters such as earthquake, tsunami, and volcanic eruption are natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia. People who live in area that prone to disasters need to have good understanding or preparedness for disasters.
This study seeks the proper efforts to improve preparedness and capacity of the community in face of disasters. This study uses literature review as a study method. This study concluded, improving information programs related to disasters preparedness is one of the efforts in shaping communities that are resilient to disasters. Besides that, to support community preparedness and community safety from disasters, the government and related parties need to provide some preparedness facilities or equipment (such as: evacuation signs, evacuation route maps, evacuation routes, early warning systems and other equipment). To reach a community that is resilient to disasters, the government and parties that have an interest in it are expected to implement efforts
based on providing disaster-related information and strengthening facilities for disasters.


Disasters Mitigation, Preparedness, Knowledge, Preparedness Facilities

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35904/pstmat.v4i1.7


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